Georgia Institute of Technology | Aug 2013 - May 2017 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Concentration: Devices & Intelligence - Major GPA: 4.0 - Cumulative GPA: 3.63 - Faculty Honors and Dean’s List Award
St. Columba's School, New Delhi, India | Mar 2000 - Mar 2013 P.C.M (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) with Computer Science
Programming Languages - Java, Python, C, C++, Pig Latin, MATLAB
Tools - Tableau, Git, mBed, Perforce, HTML, CSS, Adobe Suite
Currently Exploring - Android, JavaScript (Node.js + Express), django, MongoDB
Work Experience
PayPal Inc. | May 2015 – August 2015 Software Engineering Intern | Risk Data Science (Fraud Detection)
• Analyzed Hadoop data using Pig Latin and created a monitoring tool in Tableau to gain a better understanding of customer data for risk decision-making • Created automation suite for backend workflows using Java, TestNG and Jenkins for CI along with Selenium and Saucelabs for browser, Android and iOS data acquisition. Decreased time taken by upto 99% in many use cases • Organized intern brownbag sessions with executives to learn about topics like neural networks, anomaly detection, customer-driven innovation and R&D • Selected as high performing intern (total of 10 out of 130)
Qualcomm Technologies Inc. | May 2014 – August 2014 Interim Engineering Intern | CoreBSP Products & Integration
• Automated build generation & testing process for CRM images • Developed Python scripts to build binaries, isolate faulty components within the release branch, implement logging and archive build artefacts • Designed and implemented a scalable and modular tool to interact with the CI environment and SCM(Perforce) to optimize the fragmented integration process • Deployed a one-click solution for the automation framework • Participated in bi-weekly sprints for code release and feature integration
Georgia Tech College of Computing | January 2016 – Present ; August 2014 – January 2015 Undergraduate Research Assistant
• Researching under Dr. Charles Isbell’s Interactive Artificial Intelligence Lab; Machine Learning in the area of Deep Reinforcement Learning • Using Python to teach an agent how to play Minecraft by maximizing reward • Previously - Robotic Musicianship Group: iOS, Kinect, Android
Georgia Tech College of Computing | August 2015 – Present Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
• Taught a weekly 1.5 hour class to 50 students in Object Oriented Programming in Java • Responsible for developing and grading homework assignments for a total of 600 students • Provided assistance via email, Piazza, and in-person during weekly office hours
Design for America @ GT | January 2014 – Present Co-Founder, Ex-Officio Advisor
• Oversaw executive board and ensure that club operations run smoothly
Grand Challenges Living Learning Community | August 2013 – Present Mentor and Recruitment Officer
• Reached out to prospective high school students admitted to Georgia Tech as part of recruitment committee • Guided mentees through their freshman year • Secretary for Faculty Engagement in 2013
• Strum + Streak | VandyHacks- 2nd Place overall for Sensel Morph guitar application built in Python. Best Healthcare Hack from Epic for Pebble + Android fitness application • Synq | MHacks V- Android application to sync and maintain contacts. Used Firebase as server • Voter | HackNashville 6- Web app that serves as a voting platform. Used Meteor and Twilio API. Recieved Special Recognition from Eventbrite • feedMe | CalHacks- Web App deployed in Heroku using Express and the and Uber API • Thrift Shop | HackGT- Android App using eBay APIs